Made with fresh red beets. It is delicious, nice and moist, a recipe that has been in the family a long time. You would not believe how good it is until...
This carrot cake not only feeds a crowd, but it also gets an extra delicious flavor from the addition of brown butter to both the cake and the frosting....
A magical melting moment of pure maple pleasure mixed with the wholesome goodness of peanut butter in a soft, moist delicious cake topped with a nutty...
A sweet, and wonderfully moist cake, using fresh rhubarb, with optional coconut and almonds! This cake disappears fast at our house and was adapted from...
What makes this Fruit Cocktail Cake the greatest is that it is served with a wonderful butter sauce. Also, it is so simple to make. I know when you try...
This is the best chocolate cake I have ever had. It bakes up high and it's fluffy. Everyone loves it when I make this cake. It is the only chocolate cake...
I wanted to make something creative for Christmas, but I didn't want to make a simple red velvet cake. So this is what I came up with! A very colorful...
This is my great-grandmother's recipe that she passed down to me, and it is quite simply the best chocolate dessert I have ever had. It's so simple and...
Since my son loves LEGOS®, I made him this LEGO® cake for his birthday and all the kids loved it. I cut them into rectangles, but you could make smaller...
Here is a recipe for a chocolate cake that uses sour milk instead of regular milk. to make sour milk, combine 1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice with...
This is an old-fashioned, but easy-to-make devil's food cake recipe. Pound cake like texture and sinfully chocolately. This is from an old Philadelphia...
I make this cake frequently; it's a standard recipe that makes the rounds at church regularly--at home in Texas. Now, I'm in Pennsylvania and am introducing...
I have had many carrot cakes in my time, but this one just hit the spot for me. My niece loved this cake so much that she asked for the recipe and made...
My mom's old recipe, slightly modified. If you like, you can make an adorable Easter bunny with two types of cake; vanilla body, chocolate ears, and coconut...